Art Of Approaching

Most men say that learning how to approach girls is a given task to become skilled and still, a lot of them fail on this field. Indeed, there are lots of resources that can help you learn how to approach girls but the bigger challenge comes in deciding which approach works for a certain kind of woman, and of course, the actual delivery of the approach.

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In many cases, the thought of approaching a girl you like gives rise to several questions and fears. What if she doesn’t like me? What if she turns me down? What if she finds me silly? Not only do men fear rejection, they are also afraid of the kind of responses they might get.

The truth is, no one can ever tell if a girl will appreciate your approach or not. Nor is there a single surefire way of letting a girl know that you like her. However, there are certain techniques that generally work.

Of the countless ways in approaching girls, three actions seem to by and large pierce through their seemingly impenetrable shields. These are eye contact, smiles, and body language. Girls typically respond to eye contact. And it is important that before you make any approach, you are able to establish the “perfect” eye contact. Making eye contact with girls is one way of letting them know that you are confident and you intend to tell them something.

You can then follow this up with positive body language. When you display confidence, you will see that girls are more focused on you. So having positive body language helps a lot. Who would want to pay attention to a guy with dropped shoulders and obviously nervous? Girls can easily reject you when they sense that you are not so sure of yourself. So hold your head up high and let positive body language ooze out of your system.

In learning how to approach girls, making eye contact and giving positive body language indeed work. To give yourself better chances at success, top your efforts with a smile. This perhaps is the best way to determine if a girl is interested in you or if she is not.